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when you're a nobody like me it's a privilege to receive free music from a record label. i've just had the pleasure of hearing the next international feel release and it's fantastic. i've said it before and i'll say it again, i'll never review anything on here that i don't like. it just happens that the stuff this label are putting out ticks all the boxes in my head. the track in question is "the goddess" by bubble club. it's making me think of summer already. no soundclips just yet but i'm sure they'll appear on the soundcloud page soon. out on the 7th march in physical format with digital to follow.
i've been busy, mostly doing nothing, but thought i'd fill you in on a few things you probably know already. out on february 14th, it's the latest release by locussolus on international feel records. i got this in december and it's really grown on me. a double header of "i want it" and "next to you", with vocals by harvey. check out the clips here. i forgot to blog about international feel's previous release by maxxi & zeus. that's ace too, especially the "mz medley". do yourself a favour and buy 'em both.hope you all got the mark seven triple cd pack from ln-cc, along with a t-shirt. if you didn't then it's too late. i'm looking forward to the new claremont 56 "originals" cd by felix dickinson. there's normally between 800 and 1000 of these, so get one sharpish. it's release number 5 in the series and mudd says there's only going to be 10. sean p will have a second volume at some point as he has so many secret weapons he wants to share.i finally managed to blag a copier/scanner as well. it's not the best but it was free, so thank you dave! this will enable me to show you some magazine pages and anything else i can think of. talking of mags, hopefully you picked up the latest faith strobelight honey. there's excellent interviews with lil louis, andy hernandez (coati mundi), harvey and a real eye opener from fat tony. there's lots more too. it's certainly one of the best mags out there, and it's free!